The story of the UK’s new towns begins after the Second World War as a way of relocating populations living in poor or bombed-out housing. The first wave of ten new towns including Harlow were designated between 1946 and 1950. However Harlow’s history goes back well before this to Neolithic and Bronze Age remains, a small Roman town, an entry in the Domesday Book and subsequent as a quiet village.
This combination of a new town built around an existing village has resulted in an interesting mix of architecture, especially with the large amount of green space available – no less than 23% classified as Green Wedge.
Harlow Council wished to create a trail of interpretation showing some of the Heritage assets within Harlow and Landmark were awarded the tender for this project. We worked closely with the Council to bring their ideas to fruition and installed a series of monoliths around the town at strategic locations.
The product used was the very well-known Barcelona which has been used in other iconic locations such as Windsor. In addition to the standard structures we also supplied some solar illuminated monoliths in the more central locations. The distinctive gentle blue shade of the monoliths creates an eye-catching addition to the street scene and will help reveal the fascinating history of this busy place.
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Having produced the wayfinding family and map concepts we were well placed to continue to work on this enjoyable project with the invaluable input from the Council staff.
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