Written by Guy Walton - 30 Sep 2019
There are plenty of factors to take into account, we have jotted down just a few of them to get you thinking!
Find out what regulations and restrictions your city, stakeholder or landlord impose. For example, you may be prohibited from a sign that is illuminated or exceeds a certain size, or, there may be restrictions if you are working to the local authority requirements for Rights of Way. It may need to be consistent with other surroundings, particularly if it is in a heavily publicised place.
You must know what you want the signs in your business to do. Some are directional, or informational whilst others are persuasive. Outdoor signs need to be big and attention getting enough to draw visitors to the place or destination, or build an idea in their head. They need to be clear but blend in with the landscape and surroundings
Three-dimensional signs offer lots of opportunity for branding. Choose materials that will reinforce your brand identity, or recycled materials if your company is about sustainability for example. Think about the situation your signage is placed in, do you need to consider durable materials? How can you use durable materials and still make the sign attractive?
Your signage must have a consistent brand identity. Using the same colours and theme throughout will help to cement your brand in customers minds, and portray a unified approach.
To develop your signs, work with a graphic designer or wayfinding designers familiar with signage who can translate your business logo, colours and fonts into a design that meets your requirements. Choose one that understands your ideas to create a suitable and cohesive theme that represents what you or the place stands. Choose one that can translate your initial concepts into the message you’re wanting to portray.
It’s not only about graphics, words matter too. Think about creative ways your signs can express your brands personality. Think about phrases that capture your message and make people think.
Once the sign is developed, reinforce your brand with tempory signs including posters etc. These are inexpensive and easy to change out, and can look very attractive. Look at the way the signs are positioned, floor standing signage or even ceiling pitched can get the attention of visitors and keep them interested.
Think about choosing signage which can be refreshed, updated, changed with ease if the company’s direction changes for example. Replaceable graphic panels are an excellent way of doing this!
If you need some advice or would like to enquire, click here.
Written by Guy Walton - 30 Sep 2019
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